Technical Audit & Health Check

Determine how effective your current solution is with our comprehensive Technical Audit and Health Check, giving you insight into improvements that may be required.

Schedule Your Technical Audit & Health Check

User experience    

The experience you give your website visitors will have an impact on your reputation, conversion rates, and also ranking. A good user experience is where a visitor's interactions with the website adds positive associations with your business and a positive reference in their minds regarding your website.

Improving users experience's of your site can be done by structuring your sites content correctly so it becomes easier move around the site. If users can find what they want quickly they are more likely to have a positive experience. One-click search features and well-optimised search feature can be excellent methods of doing this. 

Conversion rate optimisation  

If the aim of your website is to transform submissive users into potential leads and eventually paying customers, the 'conversion rate' should be analysed and improvements identified. 

A website where visitors are actively looking at content without taking any action means it is failing to convert them to your desired CTA. Ensuring your website is performing its primary function could benefit your company directly and immediately. 


How can Purple Frog help?    

Our twin-pillared Technical Audit and Health Check can provide the required insight and analysis in order to make informed suggested improvements. By looking at your website in two distinct lights, we are able to deliver a comprehensive and honest review of your online activities.



Technical Audit

Our Technical Audit will offer detailed, data driven analysis of your website in direct comparison with your competitors. 


Health Check

Our Health Check will give a frank and objective commentary on your entire online presence.







